Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Danskin 2006 - My First Tri!

Tri Tri and Tri again!

I told a friend I would post my triathalon pictures up on this website so that also got me thinking that I maybe should blog about my race as well. I've been debating it. I have many great memories of that day, but it will be very long.. So until I have time to write it..

Enjoy the pics!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Brotherly and Sisterly Love

1 Corithians 10
I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

I keep thinking, man if it was all that easy, how fun that would be, what a perfect fun filled world we would live in, no arguments at 12:00 at night, no late night runs to get your frustration out and cry out in prayer to God, but then I also think how cool it is that God gives us this great challenge.

God puts various shapes, sizes, varying emotional states, different thinking minds on this earth, and we are commanded by God to get along, or so I am thinking this passage says. Anyway.. think of all the lessons God is teaching us through all the perservering we have when we take a step of faith and tell a person that something is not right in there relationship wtih you, or think of how rewarding it is all in the end, even if it takes days, or at least I think it will be, when you come to a conclusion to bring each other to the truth the right minds and how awsome it is when you reach a conclusion that God has lead you to through prayer and perserverance, and not to forget all the little lessions he has tought you along the way, such as don't over think the situation, don't think what tehy aren't saying, they really are saying what they mean.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Total Failure?

Failure -–noun
an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success: to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved

Ever wonder if you are a total failure? Ever have someone tell you in some way or another that you are a total failure? Ever have someone say something that made you feel like you are a total failure?

So I've spent the last hour crying out to God because I feel like a major Failure in life.. not becuase of me.. well maybe because of me but because of how someone said something or another... Looking back, aren't we all failures? Don't we fall short of God, of course, but that doesn't mean we are failures at everything in life does it?

I dunno? I don't have all the answers I am still pondering in my head. Maybe Failure is to hard of word, isn't God's grace large enough to cover my failures in life, isn't God's grace large enough to cover my screw ups and my emotional wreck.... I think it is... I just think its hard.. when someone tells you or considers you a failure for not living up to their standard, for not growing enough for them to see, but doesn't God grace cover this as well, Doesn't God jump up adn down for joy at every small thing we learn and doesn't God love us no matter who we are, no matter where we are?