It's Official!!!! :)
I am going to be a SPIN instructor!!! For the rec services depart of the University I work for!!!
I am way excited. I taught my first ever class the past wednesday as an audition and it went really well, I even had a girl come up to me after class ask me if I was going to be teaching every wednesday night at that time.. She said she really enjoyed my class.. that was a really cool compliment!! The instructor who was evaluating me had nothing but positives to say to me so that was really great!! She said the only thing I did wrong was I forgot to introduce my self, how crazy.
The class was really fun but tough, about 45 minutes into it, I thought for a short time I might vomit, so I know if I push that hard I can't imagine what others might have been feeling, I can sometimes be tough, but I love to push!! :) This really is a great stepping stone for me, and I am really excited to teach!
As it stands right now... there will be two free classes you all can come to if you want!!!! :) The first is July 21st at 12:15, the second is July 28th at 12:15... don't worry it's only 45 minutes! :) And I promise it will be fun!!!
It also makes me really realize that no matter what, as long as I don't give up on a dream, anything is possible, even if there might be a roadblock one year or another :)