Monday, December 29, 2008

God is in control...God has a plan...God's plan is really really good.

I had a great plan for our trip to faithwalkers.. that was conceived just days before faithwalkers.. while I think God’s plan for our trip to faithwalkers was planned long before that.

My plan consisted of bonding 5 single women together thru talking about the word, our daily lives, and playing some fun games with our past life experiences.. while God’s plan for bonding 5 women together.. well.. that looked VERY different..

God’s plan was a 9 hour car ride, I think he must have decided 9 hours was much better for bonding than the normal 5 hours it would take.. God’s plan also was lots of prayer before hand bonding us together thru praying for our trip before it even begin for flights to arrive on time and a safe trip..

God’s plan was for a friend to fall on the ice and then to transport her 9 hours and take care of her the entire time who required a lot of care. But because she needed extra care, it bonded all of us closer together, we had to come close and support each other, we could not bicker over where to stop, or when, or anything for that fact, we instead drew closer together, supporting each other, with facts and love to support each other, with hugs and funny facts, such as at least were getting better gas mileagea since we are only going 35 instead of 70 and documentation of course J It allowed us to welcome our new roomie into our lives and extended time!

MY plan was getting the most out of every faithwalkers session while God’s plan was very different.

I missed the majority of the first two sessions as I chatted back and forth with Alicia at the hospital.. I missed the first breakout session because I was still at the hospital.. I made it to the afternoon session I felt really important and I was so grateful, I was overwhelmed with emotions and feelings and lack of sleep, I had yet to see any amount of sleep, since I had been up for 18 hours and only getting only 4 hours of sleep the night before.. but in the session it was shared from Ruth, God is in control, God has a plan, and God’s plan is always really good, and to be honest.. I needed to hear that because I was beginning to wonder. I made it to sleep at 5:00 after being up for 40+ hours.. thinking I would just sleep for an hour… and make it to the evening session.. I even set two alarms.. but as I quickly fell asleep, I slept thru two alarms, two phone calls… and miss the evening session, and yet, that was God’s plan..

I woke up this morning.. yet still tired, and now semi sick, had I not slept, I can only imagine that I would be really sick. God’s thoughts and ways are not my ways, and I am thankful for that.. At breakfast this morning I lost it emotionally thinking about how all of what has happened is my fault, and I failed so many people, wondering if I did the right things, if I did it all right.. but as I cried out to God, God answered me and said...

Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts..

I still feel bad about all that has happened,.. I am still sick, and my faithwalkers still doesn’t look anything like what I thought my faithwalkers would EVER look like.. however I know that God is good and God has a plan, and his plan is really really GOOD.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I have dreamed sooo long that it would once happen... I thought at one time in my journey it would never happen.. Only because in order for me to get in onederland.. one would have to loose almost 100 pounds... but women/men! it's possible! :)

Cool Stats & Fast Facts!
I've lost over a 100 pounds.. thats right!!! I've reached above and beyond my 100 pound loss mark, and it feels sooo good!!!

I've lost 117.5 inches! Forever gone.

I am six sizes smaller than where I started.

My HDL which is your good cholestral is finally up! - It's risen from 30 - to 51!!!
My Total Cholesteral has gone from 225(2006) to 192 (2007) to 178 (2008)
My Triglicerides have gone from 162 (2006) to 147 (2007) to 128 (2008)

My Body Fat has dropped considerably! I've gone from 48% (2006) to 22%!!! (2008)

My BMI has gone from 45.2 (Morbidly Obese) to 29.6.

I (yes me!!) am a cycling instructor!!

I've walked 1 5k, and Ran 4 5K's!
I've run 5 Sprint Tri's!! and 1 Olympic Tri! :) - WHO would have ever thought?!

I couldn't have done it all without support of family and friends... Sometimes I felt as thought I was wadding thru rising waters of temptation or frustration of people not understanding what I was doing.. there were always those who had my back, and who I hope will continue to have my back.. because girlfriends, this girl is not done yet! :) I will never forget the times when you came around me to support me, to cheer me on, to celebrate what I have done, it meant the world to me, and I cannot thank you enough. I will never forget the times when you asked what you could do to help, or what you could do to educate your own self so that you could walk side by side with me in this long rode.

It's been a little over three years... three years you say?! Yes, I wonder sometimes how three years have slipped by so fast, but one of my dear friends a year ago wrote one of the coolest things for me, on my weight loss anniversary just a little over a year ago, I will never forget it, I keep it next to my bed and read it often, it reminds me of the truth, it encourages me to push forward in every step I take. (thank you friend!)

I could have also never of done any of this without God. I know sounds funny huh.. you're probably thinking but you did this all on your own motivation and will power, etc.. right?! Wrong.. I cannot tell you how many times I have struggled with eating late at night, or wanting to eat out with friends, or just not going to the gym, but I can tell you how many times my God was so faithful, that he meet me right where I was. He was faithful as I called out to him in
prayer to be my self control when I had none. He was faithful even when I was not.

I cannot begin to explain how many pages in my journals were filled with prayers, frustrations and wondering if I was ever going to get it all.. if I was even understanding what God had for me thru it all.. there were so many times I wanted a simple answer, I wanted to wish it all away, and hope that it would be fixed overnight.. but there were so many times God brought me back to his truth. When I found my self in the most difficult places (eating out of control, wanting to give up, not wanting to perserve in what God had for me, or even in the task) I sought out the power of his holy spirt and in prayer, and I always felt even if I had to wait days... God always seemed to meet me and answer..

God gave me amazing verses along the way, that I want to share with all of you.

Galations 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such
things there is no law.

Galatians 5:24-25 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep
in step with the Spirit.

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Psalms 16:7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.

I hope no matter what you are going thru big or small... short or long, you too find it challenging and rewarding even till the end :)